Anello Cammeo Incisione Vintage Style, Cameo Ring, Engraved Detail, Italy Inspired Jewelry

Anello Cammeo Incisione Vintage Style, Cameo Ring, Engraved Detail, Italy Inspired Jewelry

$204.35 $340.59

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Questo sontuoso anello cammeo conchiglia scolpito a mano rappresenta un autentico capolavoro artigianale, interamente realizzato in Italia. Ogni dettaglio di questa creazione unica ti trasporterà in un mondo di eleganza e raffinatezza. L'arte e la maestria della lavorazione a mano conferiscono a questo gioiello un fascino senza tempo, rendendolo un vero e proprio gioiello unico nel suo genere. Porta con te un pezzo di eccellenza artigianale italiana con questo anello, che racchiude tradizione e modernità in una splendida fusione. Lasciati avvolgere dalla bellezza e dall'unicità di questo gioiello fatto a mano, che incarna l'essenza stessa dell'artigianato di alta classe.
Misura Anello
Cammeo Conchiglia 25mm X 25mm
Total Set 25mm X 25mm

Reviews (1)


The cameo design itself looks a lot like the picture, intricate and beautiful, but the gold wrapping on the ring and the base of the ring itself has a gold that is more brass-colored than pictured and seems like it will tarnish quickly. Also the ring is adjustable but the pressure created on the side designs when you adjust the size makes me concerned that it will break with time. Probably better to have a set size for this one. It arrived late, which I don’t believe is due to any fault of the seller, but the packaging is problematic. The ring came in a box that was too small, so the top of the cameo carving rubbed against the top of the box and there seems to me some grayish discoloration on those parts as a result which is unfortunate. Seller was quick to respond when the packaging arrival date came and went.